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Stotts Island Nature Reserve

Stotts Island Nature Reserve is located in the Tweed River near Murwillumbah. It is listed as Critical Habitat for Mitchell’s Rainforest Snail Thersites mitchellae.

The vegetation on the island consists of two main Endangered Ecological Communities; Swamp Forest and Lowland Subtropical Rainforest. Bush regeneration works within this site require a high level of skills to identify weed and native species including Threatened Species.

The works involve the implementation of the Recovery Plan to control environmental weeds including Madiera Vine, Cats Claw Creeper, Coral Berry, Coastal morning Glory and Moonflower as recommended in the NPWS Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan (R&R Plan) for the identified work zones.

Works have continued for the past eleven years with excellent results and the extension and consolidation of all work zones.

Copy of CP PP1 24-09-11x