Coastal Fontainea Recovery Project
Over the past six years Bushland Restoration Services ecologist and bush regenerators have combined with landholders, land managers and government representatives at Lennox Head to successfully implement the recovery actions for the Coastal Fontainea – Fontainea oraria which is listed as Endangered (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act – EP&BC), and Critically Endangered (Threatened Species Conservation Act – TSC).
The project has included the translocation of cuttings with a representative plant from each of the ten mature trees. All planting plots are monitored for survival, health, growth and flowering. In addition the mature trees are monitored to record the sequence of flowering of the mature population.
Numinbah Threatened Species Translocation Project
Bushland Restoration Services undertook in partnership with Gold Coast City Council staff the planting and establishment of the threatened species and the on going monitoring for a five year period.
The project involved the translocation of threatened plants from the Hinze Dam construction site to the Numinbah Conservation Area. The maintenance and quarterly monitoring of 1,260 translocated stems of five threatened species (Randia moorei, Macadamia tetraphylla, Plectranthus nitidus, Owenia cepiodora) is continuing. The Queensland herbarium is the independent assessor reviewing the annual reports written by Bushland Restoration Services for the Hinze Dam Stage 3 Compensatory Habitat Strategy PTP.